proposed to IAAF Council (Helsinki 4 & 5 December 2004)
Men Event Women
A Standard B Standard A Standard B Standard
10.21 10.28 100m 11.30 11.40
20.59 20.75 200m 22.97 23.13
45.55 45.95 400m 51.50 52.30
1:45.40 1:46.60 800m 2:00.00 2:01.30
3:36.20 3:38.00 1500m 4:05.80 4:08.20
13:21.50 13:28:00 5000m 15:08.70 15:24.00
27:49.00 28:06.00 10,000m 31:40.00 32:00.00
2H18:00 Marathon 2H42:00
8:24.60 8:32:00 3000m SC 9:50.00 10:00.00
13.55 13.62 110m H / 100m H 12.96 13.11
49.20 49.80 400m H 55.60 56.50
1:23:00 1:24:30 20km Race Walk 1:33:30 1:38:00
4:00:00 4:07:00 50km Race Walk – –
39.00 4x100m 44.00
3:04.00 4x400m 3:31.00
8050pts 7800pts Decathlon / Heptathlon 6100pts 5900pts
2.30m 2.27m High Jump 1.95m 1.92m
5.75m 5.60m Pole Vault 4.45m 4.30m
8.20m 8.10m Long Jump 6.75m 6.60m
17.10m 16.70m Triple Jump 14.30m 14.00m
20.50m 20.00m Shot Put 18.55m 17.30m
65.00m 63.00m Discus Throw 62.00m 60.00m
78.65m 74.35m Hammer Throw 69.50m 67.00m
81.80m 77.80m Javelin Throw 62.00m 59.00m
1. Performances must be achieved during the qualification period of 1 January 2004 to 25 July 2005 (midnight-local time). Nevertheless, the performances achieved during the meeting of Stockholm 2005 (July 26th) will be accepted.
2. Performances must be achieved during competitions organised or authorised by IAAF, its Area Associations or its National Member Federations. Thus, results achieved at university or school competitions must be certified by the National Federation of the country in which the competition was organised. (for walking events, relays and marathon, see hereunder)
3. Performances must be achieved during an official competition organised in conformity with IAAF Rules
4. Performances achieved in mixed events between male and female participants, held completely in the Stadium, will not be accepted (see IAAF Rule 147) with the exception of local competitions held in Oceania.
5. Wind-assisted performances will not be accepted.
6. Hand-timed performances in 100m, 200m, 400m, 110m/100m Hurdles, 400m Hurdles and 4x100m relay will not be accepted.
7. Indoor performances for all field events and for races of 200m and longer, will be accepted.
8. Lower ages limit: for the Marathon Races and the 50km Race Walk Men, senior athletes only (any athlete aged 20 years and over on 31 December 2005) will be accepted
9. Walking Events:
– the athletes qualified in 2004 season are listed in appendix
– for 2005, only performances achieved during the following competitions will be accepted
. events part of the IAAF Race Walking Challenge
. Continental Championships and Cups
If a Continental Association wishes to add one (or more) Continental events,
. the request must be sent to the IAAF before January 1st
. the course must be measured by an IAAF/AIMS “A” or “B” measurer
. minimum 3 IAAF Walking Judges (level III or II) have to be on duty.
10. Marathons:
– only performances achieved during competitions recognised by the IAAF will be accepted.
– these courses must have been measured after January 1st, 2000 by an IAAF/AIMS “A” or “B” measurer and respect the 1 °/oo downhill rule.
– the list of the recognised races is attached and will permanently updated on the IAAF website
11. Relays:
– the teams qualified in 2004 are listed hereunder
– additional teams can qualify in 2005, if the standards are achieved during the following competitions
. relays events during IAAF (GL, SGP, GP, GPII) & Continental Permits Meetings, as long as the organisers announce the events to the IAAF by March 1st
. European Cup (Florence, Gävle, Leira, Tallinn, Izmir, 18/19 June)
. CAC Senior Championships (Nassau, 24-26 June)
. South American Championships (Cartagena, 22-24 July)
If a Continental Association wishes to add one (or more) Continental event(s),
. the request must be sent to the IAAF before January 1st
. a minimum of three teams on each event will compete