Αλλαγές στους κανονισμούς αποφάσισε η ΕΕΑ

Αλλαγές στους νέους κανονισμούς του Eυρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος εθνικών ομάδων στίβου, που θα γίνει για πρώτη φορά το 2009 (στη Λεϊρία η Σούπερ Λίγκα), αποφάσισε η EAA, κατά τη σύνοδό της στο Άμστερνταμ. Η ευρωπαϊκή ομοσπονδία στίβου, αντικατέστησε τη διοργάνωση του Μπρούνο Τζάουλι, που διεξαγόταν τα προηγούμενα χρόνια. Πλέον, στα κάθετα άλματα θα έχει δικαίωμα κάθε αθλητής και αθλήτρια για τέσσερις άκυρες προσπάθειες, αντί για τρεις που ίσχυε μέχρι τώρα, ενώ στα αγωνίσματα δρόμου, με την πρώτη άκυρη εκκίνηση, τίθεται εκτός αγώνα ο αθλητής ή η αθλήτρια που πραγματοποίησε την παράβαση.


Αρκετές προτάσεις, που έχουν ενδιαφέρον και για τους Έλληνες αθλητές και αθλήτριες στίβου, πήρε την Πέμπτη η ευρωπαϊκή ομοσπονδία κλασικού αθλητισμού, στη σύνοδό της, που έλαβε χώρα στο Αμστερνταμ. Όλες αυτές, θα συζητηθούν ξανά τον ερχόμενο Απρίλιο και, εφόσον εγκριθούν και αποφασιστούν, θα εφαρμοστούν από το 2010 και το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα ανοιχτού στίβου εκείνης της χρονιάς.

Σύμφωνα με τις εισηγήσεις της ευρωπαϊκής ομοσπονδίας, η τελευταία, από εδώ και πέρα, θα έχει λόγο στα προτεινόμενα αγωνίσματα κάθε μίτινγκ. Συγκεκριμένα, θα δίνει 8-12 αγωνίσματα, με τους διοργανωτές του καθενός εξ’ αυτών να συμπληρώνουν αυτόν τον αριθμό, με όσα αγωνίσματα θέλουν.

Επίσης, προτάθηκε να αλλάξει, στις κούρσες των ευρωπαϊκών μίτινγκ, ο κανονισμός των άκυρων εκκινήσεων. Έτσι, με την πρώτη άκυρη εκκίνηση, ο αθλητής που την κάνει, θα αποβάλλεται από την κούρσα και δε θα περιμένει τη δεύτερη άκυρη, ώστε να βγει εκτός. Τέλος, προτάθηκε, στα ευρωπαϊκά μίτινγκ, να υπάρχει στις φανέλες των αθλητών και αθλητριών κάποιο διακριτικό, που να προσδιορίζει τη χώρα καταγωγής τους και προέλευσής τους.


Eγώ δεν πολυκατάλαβα….. Αυτά θα ισχύουν κ στο ανανεωμένο Μπρούνο Ζάουλι? Δλδ όποιος κάνει άκυρη στου δρόμους μένει εκτός? Αντε αυτό βγάζει άκρη…

Αυτό με τα άλματα καθόλου καθώς το μέγιστο των αλμάτων είναι 4 και μάλιστα για τους 4 καλύτερους μετά τα 3 πρώτα άλματα, οπότε δε στέκει…. Μάλλον ο αρθρογράφος τα έκανε λίγο μπάχαλο στο μυαλό του…

Πλήρης ανάπτυξη των κανονινισμών του νέου Μπρούνο Ζάουλι, του Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Εθνών υπάρχει

What is the European Team Championships and why has European Athletics decided to change the format of the SPAR European Cup?

First and foremost, it is important to note that the European Team Championships is not just a technical rule change of the European Cup; it is a completely new product!

However, all other European Athletics events are not affected and will remain unchanged.

The competition is open to all the Member Federations of Europe with the winning teams decided by a combination of men’s and women’s performances.

The top level will consist of the best 12 teams in Europe and will be named the SPAR European Team Championships. The 1st league will consist of the next 12 teams in Europe, the 2nd League the next 8 teams in Europe and the 3rd league will consist of all the remaining teams.

The aim of this new product is to create a more attractive event for spectators in the stadium and TV viewers at home.

The format has been adapted to TV requirements by being more exciting, unpredictable and by putting more emphasis on the country and team as opposed to individual athletes.

Secondly, there is a need to show the development of athletics and our capacity to adapt our competition system to the request of TV broadcasters, spectators and media and also to the demands of the new society.

Many other sports have adapted their rules to the new demands of today’s consumer and this is an attempt to lead the way in athletics.

What events will be part of the new European Team Championships?

There will be 20 events for Men and 20 events for Women, including 18 individual Track & Field events and 2 relays.


How will the winning teams be decided?

The European Team Championships comprises of one single competition where men and women will be represented as one team.

The winner of the individual events and the relays in each League will score as many points as there are teams competing, the second will score one fewer, and so on.

For example, in the Super League, 12 teams will take part, so the winning athletes or relay teams will score 12 points, second place will score 11 points and so on.

However, athletes or relay teams disqualified or not finishing will not score.


Where and when will the European Team Championships 2009 take place?

The 1st European Team Championships will be held on the weekend of June 20-21 2009.

Portugal will host the SPAR European Team Championships Super League (exact city to be confirmed at the beginning of August) and the other divisions will be announced in October.


How will the relegation system between the SPAR European Team Championships, 1st League, 2nd League and 3rd League work?

There will be 12 teams in the Super League, 12 teams in the First League
8 teams in the Second League and the remaining teams in the Third League.

The bottom 3 teams in the Super League will be relegated to the First League and the top 3 teams of the First League will be promoted to the Super League.
The bottom 2 teams of the First League will be relegated to the Second League and the top 2 teams of the Second League will be promoted to the First League.

Finally, the bottom 2 teams in the Second League will be relegated to the Third League while the top 2 teams of the Third League will be promoted to the Second League.


How will the sprint events work with 12 teams taking part?

In the sprint events (100m, 200m and 400m along with the 2 Hurdles races and relays) will be staged in two heats with 6 athletes (or relay teams) in each.

The distribution of athletes in each of the heats will be based on the athletes’ season best performance.

In a situation where the athlete has no seasons best, the previous year’s season’s best will be taken in consideration and ranked behind the athletes with recorded season’s bests.

In a case where the athlete does not have such a performance, the personal best will be considered for the purpose. These athletes will be ranked as follows: season best, season best of previous year and personal best for the purpose of the distribution of the heats.


And the middle distance events?

The 800m and 1500m races will consist of one race each with 12 athletes. For the 800m a group start will be used.


Why are athletes in 3,000m, 3,000m Steeplechase and 5,000m, being eliminated?

Traditionally in these longer events, athletes have tended to race tactically in the early stages with a dramatic sprint to the line. From a television point of view, this has resulted in the early laps being run at little more than a jogging pace, which has little appeal to the TV audiences.

Taking this on board, we are hoping that with the threat of elimination, athletes will run a faster pace from the start which will make better viewing for spectators both in the stadium and on TV.

Of course, the eliminated athletes will still be able to contribute to their teams by being awarded points.


At what stage and how many athletes will be eliminated?

In the 3,000m, 3,000m steeplechase and 5,000m, 3 athletes will be eliminated in each race.

For the 3000m and 3000m steeplechase the last athlete at 5, 4 and 3 laps to go before the finish will be eliminated.

For the 5000m the last at 7, 5 and 3 laps to go before the finish will be eliminated.


How will officials decide if there are 2 or more athletes close together?

The elimination decisions will be made with the assistance of the photo-finish, where necessary.


How will the athletes know they are being eliminated?

An official will be placed shortly after the finish line and will show the athletes in question a baton with the country code on it and the athlete will then abandon the race.


Will the eliminated athletes score points?

YES! For example, in the 5,000m with 12 athletes, the athlete who is eliminated first will score 1 point; the athlete eliminated second will score 2 points and third 3 points. There will then be 9 athletes still in the race and they will score as normal with the winner gaining 12 points, second 11 points and so on.


How will the field events be different than the traditional rules?

In all four throwing events (Shot Put, Discus, Javelin and Hammer) and the two vertical jumps (Long & Triple Jumps) the following rules will apply:

There will be a maximum of four trials in each event.

All participating athletes will have two qualification trials in the 1st and 2nd round.

The best 6 athletes from the two first trials will have the right to compete in a 3rd qualification round while the rest will be eliminated and their points awarded.

Following this, the distances will be wiped clear and the best 4 athletes after the 3 qualification rounds will compete in the Final round in a sudden death situation.


But is it possible that a Long Jumper, for example, jumps the longest jump in the whole competition in the first 3 rounds and fouls the fourth round, he would then be placed 4th overall?

Yes this is possible and we would like to compare it to someone in a major championship putting in a great performance in the qualifying round and then not performing up to scratch in the final, where it matters.


What are the advantages of this type of system?

As everyone is aware, Europeans tend to dominate the field events on a world wide scale, but it has been shown in the past that the field events get less than 20% of the total TV coverage from a meeting.

The advantage of this system is, with clever timetabling, the final round of each event will be able to be shown in its entirety and will have the 100% attention of all spectators both in the stadium and on TV.

We are confident that, after the athletes and coaches see this system in operation that it will be a big success.


How will the points be distributed in the field events?

For the Super League and First League, 12 athletes will participate in each field event.

Therefore, the 6 athletes who are eliminated after the first 2 rounds will be ranked by their best performance in those 2 rounds.

This means, the last placed athlete will receive 1 pts, the 2nd last 2 pts and so on.

The 2 athletes who are then eliminated in the 3rd round with the lowest performance will be ranked by their performances after this round – that is the 6th placed athlete will receive 7 pts and the 5th placed athlete 8 pts.

Finally, the remaining 4 athletes will be ranked by their performances in the 4th and final round only. The winner will receive 12 points, the second 11 points etc.


Will the rules of the High Jump and Pole Vault be affected?

Yes! In these events each competitor shall be entitled to a maximum of 7 (seven) attempts throughout the whole event.

All the other relevant IAAF Rules for the vertical jumps will apply.

Final Regulations for European Team Championships announced

After a summer spent conducting trials for the inaugural European Team Championships which will make their debut in June 2009, European Athletics is pleased to announce the final regulations for the Championships.

The new Championships, which will replace the European Cup competitions have a number of exciting innovations added to the programme where the final result will comprise of one single competition where men’s and women’s results are combined.

In summary the new rules are:

Track Events:

In the track events no false start will be allowed. Any athlete committing a false start will be disqualified.

Races up to 400m inclusively and relays will be staged in two heats of 6 athletes each.

In the 3000m, 3000m steeplechase and 5000m three athletes will be eliminated in the course of the race as follows:

For the 3000m and 3000m steeplechase the last athlete in each of the following laps to the end will be eliminated: 5, 4 and 3.

The relays, as always, will provide a fitting climax in the new championships.

That is, the last positioned athlete at 5 laps to the finish will be required to abandon the race immediately after entering to the 4th lap to the end and no further than 200m from the end of the 4th lap. The same procedure will apply for the last positioned athlete at 4 laps and 3 laps to the end.

For the 5000m the last athlete in each of the following laps to the end will be eliminated: 7, 5 and 3.

That is, the last positioned athlete at 7 laps to the finish will be required to abandon the race immediately after entering to the 6th lap to the end and no further than 200m from the end of the 6th lap. The same procedure will apply for the last positioned athlete at 5 laps and 3 laps to the end.

Field Events:

All field events, except vertical jumps, will be conducted as follows:

There will be a maximum of four trials in each event.

All participating athletes will have two qualification trials (1st and 2nd trial);

The best 6 athletes from the two first trials will have the right to compete in a 3rd qualification round;

The best 4 athletes after the 3 qualification rounds will compete in the 4th round;

The team is the most important aspect of the new championships

The 6 lowest classified athletes will be ranked according to ttheir best performance after the 2nd qualification trial;

The 2 athletes in the 3rd qualification trial with the lowest performance will be ranked by their best performance after the 3rd trial;

The remaining 4 athletes will be ranked by their best performance after the 4 rounds.

In the vertical jumps (High Jump & Pole Vault) each competitor shall be entitled to a maximum of 4 (four) fouls only throughout the whole field event. All the other relevant IAAF Rules for the vertical jumps will apply.

The Super League, the First League, the Second League and the Third League shall be each be regarded as a separate match and scored accordingly.

The winner of each individual event and each relay in each match shall score as many points as there are teams competing, the second will score one fewer, and so on. Athletes or relay teams disqualified or not finishing shall not score.

Overall, the participating teams will be divided into a Super League (comprising of 12 teams), a First League (comprising of 12 teams), a Second League (comprising of 8 teams), a Third League (comprising the remaining teams).

Next year’s Team Champions will be a combination of men and women!

After the conclusion of each year’s European Team Championships, teams shall be promoted or relegated as follows:

The lowest 3 (three) teams in the Super League shall be relegated to the First League.

The 3 (three) first classified teams of the First League shall be promoted to the Super League.

The lowest 2 (two) teams of the First League shall be relegated to the Second League.

The 2 (two) first classified teams of the Second League shall be promoted to the First League.

The lowest 2 (two) teams of the Second League shall be relegated to the Third League.

The 2 (two) first classified teams of the Third League shall be promoted to the Second League.

The divisions for the 2009 European Team Championships which will take place on the weekend of June 20/21 are as follows:

Super League: Leiria, Portugal:

Russia, Great Britain, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Ukraine, Greece, Sweden, Czech Republic, Portugal

First League, Bergen, Norway:

Belarus, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey, Belgium, Hungary, Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Switzerland, Serbia, Norway

Second League: Banska Bystrica, Slovakia:

Ireland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Austria, Cyprus

Third League: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Moldova, Israel, Denmark, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Iceland, Luxembourg, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Armenia, AASSE, Albania, Andorra, FYR of Macedonia

Μια διευκρίνιση: οι τέσσερις πρώτοι αθλητές στα οριζόντια άλματα και τις ρίψεις δε θα βαθμολογούνται μόνο με βάση την επίδοση που θα πετύχουν στην τελική 4η προσπάθεια (όπως είχε αρχικά προταθεί πέρσι), αλλά κανονικά, με βάση την καλύτερή τους επίδοση απ’ όλες τις προσπάθειες. Αυτό τουλάχιστον αναφέρεται (The remaining 4 athletes will be ranked by
their best performance during the competition) στο Team Manual (σελ. 16). Και αυτό συμπεραίνει κανείς και απ’ όσα αναφέρονται στο αρχείο με τους κανονισμούς που δίνεις στο link: μπορεί στα αγγλικά [σελ. 5 των κανονισμών: The remaining 4 athletes will then be ranked by their best performance after the Final (4th round)] και στα γαλλικά [σελ. 6 Les quatre athletes restants seront ensuite classes sur la base de leur meilleure performance apres la finale (4eme tour)] να είναι κάπως αμφίσημο αυτό που λέει, αλλά στα ισπανικά [σελ. 4 Los 4 atletas restantes seran clasificados en funcion de la marca registrada durante el concurso] νομίζω πως είναι ξεκάθαρο.

Και τελικά οι Ισπανοί την έπαθαν πρώτοι, παρωδία στα 3χλμ όπου με φωτοφινις φάνηκε τελευταία η Ισπανίδα στον 1ο αποκλεισμό, δεν βγήκε εκτός (δεν δέχτηκε βασικά) συνέχισε και …κέρδισε (!), και βέβαια την ακύρωσαν

Η Eυρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία στίβου με την ευκαιρία έναρξης λειτουργίας της επίσημης ιστοσελίδας της οργανωτικής επιτροπής του Μπέργκεν της Νορβηγίας για τη διοργάνωση του Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος ομάδων, επιβεβαίωσε και πάλι, με ανακοίνωσή της, τις αλλαγές που αποφασίστηκαν στους κανονισμούς διεξαγωγής των αγωνισμάτων.

Πρόσφατα μάλιστα οι αλλαγές αυτές εγκρίθηκαν ομόφωνα από το συμβούλιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Στίβου από την προσεχή διοργάνωση του καλοκαιριού στο Μπέργκεν (19-20/6).

Ξεχωρίζουν οι αλλαγές:

1. Η συμμετοχή των αθλητών/τριών στις τελικές σειρές των αγωνισμάτων σπριντ θα γίνεται με επιλογή, ώστε να διασφαλίζεται ότι οι καλύτεροι θα μετέχουν στην ίδια σειρά.
2. Στα αγωνίσματα των 3.000, 3.000μ στιπλ, 5.000μ δεν θα πραγματοποιείται η έξοδος από την κούρσα του τελευταίου αθλητή/τριας μετά την 3-5η-7η στροφή. Όλοι οι αθλητές θα διανύουν όλο το μήκος της απόστασης σε κάθε κούρσα.
3. Στα αγωνίσματα των ρίψεων και των οριζοντίων αλμάτων όλοι οι αθλητές θα εκτελούν τρεις προσπάθειες και οι 4 καλύτεροι θα συνεχίζουν στην 4η προσπάθεια. Η κατάταξη των αθλητών που αποχωρούν θα γίνεται με βάση τη θέση τους στις 3 πρώτες βολές και στα 3 πρώτα άλματα αντίστοιχα.
4. Στα 800μ και οι 12 αθλητές θα αγωνίζονται σε μία σειρά.
5. Στα κάθετα άλματα παραμένει ο κανονισμός, σύμφωνα με τον οποίο κάθε αθλητής έχει δικαίωμα να πραγματοποιήσει 4 άκυρες προσπάθειες, αλλά ο νικητής του αγωνίσματος θα μπορεί να συνεχίζει σε μεγαλύτερα ύψη χωρίς να λαμβάνεται υπόψη ο προαναφερόμενος κανονισμός των 4 άκυρων αλμάτων.

Οι άνδρες και οι γυναίκες θα συνεχίσουν να συμμετέχουν ως ενιαία εθνική ομάδα. Συνολικά οι ομάδες θα είναι 12 στη Σούπερ Λίγκα αλλά και στην 1η κατηγορία. Αντίθετα, δεν θα ισχύσει για την εφετινή διοργάνωση ο αποκλεισμός των αθλητών στις κούρσες από την 1η άκυρη εκκίνηση όπως πέρυσι, αφού προτιμήθηκε ο κανονισμός της IAAF.

Οι αγώνες της 1ης κατηγορίας θα φιλοξενηθούν στη Βουδαπέστη, της 2ης κατηγορίας στο Βελιγράδι και της 3ης στη Μάλτα τις ίδιες ημερομηνίες με το Μπέργκεν.


Προηγούμενο άρθροΤι είναι το γονιδιακό ντόπινγκ;
Επόμενο άρθροΠεσμένη διεθνώς η τηλεθέαση στο στίβο